Friends of the Libraries Appoint New Board Member
September 4, 2024

The Friends of the Libraries recently appointed Mary Murphy to the Friends of the Libraries Board of Directors as the Alumni Association Representative.
Mary graduated from Wright State University in 1989 with a Master’s degree in Community Health Nursing. Mary has an advanced certification in oncology nursing and worked on the oncology unit at Miami Valley hospital for 20 years. Additionally, she spent over 30 years working for Ohio ‘s Hospice (formerly Hospice of Dayton) in a variety of roles. She retired in 2020 after serving as president and Chief Nursing and Care Officer. Mary has authored many articles, publications, and books in the field of oncology and hospice.
Mary is currently the treasurer of the West Central Oncology Nursing organization, secretary of the Wright State Alumni executive board, a member of Sigma Theta Tau, and the Wright State nursing alumni board. Mary enjoys reading and is part of a local book club as well as a writers group called the Stories Tellers. Other interests include hiking, cooking, traveling abroad, and spending time with her two grandchildren.