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Support the Libraries
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Wright State University Libraries. Your gift benefits Wright State students in every area of study by providing the best tools available to help them succeed: books, journals, databases, personal reference help, computers, study space, multimedia instruction, and more.
Please select a fund that interests you from the list below, and you will be directed to the online giving page to make your secure credit card gift to Wright State University.
Thank you for continuing to make Wright State University Libraries a valuable resource for all.
For more information about giving to the Libraries, please contact:
Wright State University Libraries
126C Dunbar Library
- Archives Facility Improvement Fund
Supports improvements to the Special Collections & Archives' facility.
- Friends of the Library Operating Fund
Join the Friends of Libraries to support the University Libraries' collections and programs. Please visit www.libraries.wright.edu/friends for information about Friends of the Libraries membership levels.
- Libraries Excellence Fund
This fund is for general support of the University Libraries.
- Special Collections Support Fund
Supports the acquisition, processing, and preservation of Special Collections & Archives' materials.
- Carl F. Friese and Ellen Reinsch-Friese Book Support Fund
Earnings from this endowment shall be used at the discretion of the University Libraries Collection Development staff to purchase books (either print or e-book formats) that will enhance the collection of academic materials representing the areas of greatest need.
- Dayton Holocaust Resource Center Collection Fund
Earnings from this endowment support the Dayton Holocaust Collection which includes materials about the Holocaust, modern genocides, racism, and bullies/bullying as well as books for the scholarly student and the K-12 classroom; curriculum guides; and non-print items such as films, audiobooks, and kits
- Legacy Book Program
Enrich University Libraries collections with a Legacy Book or other library material; ideal for honoring a loved one, outstanding colleague or major life event.
- Loretta M. Schaechterle Book Support Fund
Earnings from this endowment are used to purchase books and multimedia materials about women in the United States.
- Philip George Munro Book Support Fund
Earnings from this endowment are used to purchase British contemporary fiction which is made a permanent part of the Libraries collections.
- Polanka Family Library Services Endowment Fund
Earnings from this endowment provide for the support and expansion of services at the Wright State University Libraries.
- Wallace Family Papers Endowment Fund
Earnings from this endowment are used to support the preservation of and access to the Wallace Family Papers related collections pertaining to the communities of Medway, Bethel Township, Clark County, and nearby counties in Ohio.
- Library Student Award
LSAA awards are given biannually to Library Student Assistants who have worked a minimum of one semester and have a record of outstanding library service.
Book Support Funds
The Book Support Fund is a larger program for donors to establish honorary funds for the purchase of multiple books within the donor's designated subject guidelines. These funds are separate from the Legacy Book Program by providing a wider selection of books in a chosen subject area and offers the potential to bolster the Libraries' Collection Development program. Creating a Book Support Fund commemorates your interests or those of a loved one on a one-time or continuing basis. You may determine how broad you wish to make your collection and also invite other people to contribute toward your fund.
Each book contains a bookplate inside its front cover and a digital bookplate permanently linking to the online catalog record for titles acquired through the generosity of the Libraries' donors.

Carl F. and Ellen Reinsch Friese
Established in 2016, the Carl F. and Ellen Reinsch Friese book support fund was established to purchase books that enhance the collection in the academic areas of greatest need. Carl and Ellen share a love for education, nature, and libraries. A long-term employee of Wright State, Ellen joined the Friends of the Libraries Board of Directors in 2007 and served two terms as its president. Over the years, Carl and Ellen have supported many University Libraries initiatives and created this book support fund as a legacy for generations to come. Books purchased by the Carl F. and Ellen Reinsch Friese Book Endowment

Loretta M. Schaechterle
Established in April 2010 in memory of Mrs. Loretta M. Schaechterle to purchase books and multimedia materials about women in the United States. Mrs. Schaechterle was a lifelong learner with a love for reading, and books purchased through this fund help to provide an understanding of women's lives in the United States, with a focus on the 20th century.

Philip George Munro
Established in March 2008, the Philip George Munro Book Support Fund was established by a Wright State faculty member in memory of her father—a lifelong reader and book lover—to benefit the Wright State Department of English Language and Literatures. Proceeds from the endowed fund are used to purchase British contemporary fiction which is made a permanent part of the Libraries collections. Emphasis is placed on titles that received literary prizes, such as The Man Booker, Costa, and Orange Prizes, and well-reviewed works from the New York Times' Literary Supplement and The Guardian/Observer book review. Title suggestions are also accepted from the Department of English Language and Literatures' faculty and the University Libraries' staff.