How do I get a library card?
If you are a student or employee, your library card is your Wright1 Card. With your Wright1 Card you may borrow materials from Wright State and affiliated libraries, OhioLINK, and SearchOhio. Wright State Alumni Association (Gold Members and above) also have borrowing privileges; bring your association member card to the library. Friends of the Libraries ($50/year membership and above), also have borrowing privileges.
Can I use the library resources from off campus?
You must be a current Wright State University student or employee to use the resources remotely. Access resources through the University Libraries' website and use your campus username (e.g., w012abc) and password to login.
Most of our resources can be used in the library by guests with a Guest Computing Account. These one-day guest accounts are available at the first floor Circulation Desk.
How do I login at OhioLINK?
Wright State students and employees use their campus username and password to borrow materials in the OhioLINK catalog. Wright State students and employees use their name and UID (e.g., u00123123) to log into other resources on the OhioLINK website (electronic journals, e-books, and streaming videos). If you do not know your UID, use the Find my University ID service or contact the CaTS Help Desk at 937-775-4827.
I don't have a campus username and password—does the library offer Guest Computer Accounts?
If you are a student or employee and do not know your campus username (e.g., w012abc) and password, contact the CaTS Help Desk at 937-775-4827. If you are not a Wright State student or employee, you can request a Guest Computing Account at our first floor Circulation Desk.
Are you unable to access a database or e-journal?
Call a librarian for assistance at 937-775-2925 or chat online using Ask a Librarian.
Do you have textbooks?
Your professor may choose to put required textbooks on course reserve. These books may be requested at the first floor desk. You'll need to provide the professor's name or course number and your Wright1 Card to check out the book for use within the library.
The Information Desk staff can help you to determine if your textbook is available from course reserve or OhioLINK. The Information Desk is on the second floor of the library. You can also call 937-775-2925 or chat online using Ask a Librarian.
Does the library have a fax machine?
Faxing is available at the Circulation Desk on the first floor. Local fax numbers are $1 per page and long-distance numbers cost an extra dollar for the first page. International fax numbers are not accepted. You must wait until your fax is finished or agree to pay the full amount in advance.
Does the library offer printing, scanning, and copying?
The library offers black and white printers, color printers, scanners, and black and white photocopiers to Wright State students and employees as well as visitors. The Printing and Copying webpage provides details about printing, wireless printing, photocopying, scanning, faxing, and payment.
All of my classes are online—what services can the library offer me?
We offer the same services to our remote students as we do our on-campus students. The Libraries' website offers access to databases, journals, ebooks, streaming media and more. Contact a librarian through our Ask a Librarian service to learn more or for virtual research assistance. To give you specific assistance in your area of study, we have Research Guides in all subjects. In addition, subject librarians offer individual research consultations by phone, email, and/or screensharing.
To access print materials from our library collections, contact our Resource Delivery Services department.
Can I buy a flash drive at the library?
Flash drives are available for purchase at our first floor Circulation Desk. Other storage devices including DVDs and CDs, are also available.
Where are the testing centers?
Contact Testing Services in 101 Student Success Center at 937-775-5750 for testing locations.
Does the library have a lost-and-found area?
There are lost-and-found collection points at the Information Desk on the second floor and at the Circulation Desk on the first floor. The university’s main Lost and Found office is in 065 Allyn Hall.
Who should I contact to donate books to the library?
Contact our Collection Development office at 937-775-4983.
How do I request a government document?
To request government documents from our library catalog: Those who hold a library card from from Wright State and affiliated hospital libraries, OhioLINK member institutions, The State Library of Ohio, Greene County Public Library, Washington-Centerville Public Library, or other SearchOhio Library can review the Genealogy webpage for information about these records. If you do not have a library card from one of the above, please send a request including the call number and title from the catalog.