Unity in Diversity: Skin Color Project
March 21, 2024

The Dunbar Library is currently hosting a display created by eighth-grade students of the Dayton Regional STEM School titled “The Skin Color Project Exhibit” until April 11th. Visit the exhibit on the second floor of the University Library.
The students dedicated time to collecting research and creating a multimedia museum exhibit focused on the study of skin color and the impacts of race in America. They have crafted engaging posters, timelines, 3D monuments, and videos with the aim of demonstrating, not only on how humans acquire their skin color, but also on how skin color has affected humans throughout history.
Comprising the following classes—Language Arts, Math, Science, and US History—the Skin Color Project engaged the eighth graders in exploring genetics, historical events, current data, and modern literature to construct an answer to the driving question, How and why does skin color matter? Understanding and celebrating diversity is integral to our community, and projects like this serve as reminders of that.
Teachers who played vital roles in guiding the students through the research, writing, multimedia production, and visual graphics of this project include three Wright State University graduates:
- Nichole Miller, WSU Grad Class of 2012 M.Ed, who teaches Language Arts.
- Amy Vazquez, WSU Grad Class of 2013 M. Ed, who teaches Math.
- James Smith, WSU Grad Class of 2018 M. Ed, who teaches Social Studies.
- Keenan McCormick, WSU Grad Class of 2023 B.A Physics Education, who teaches Digital Design.
Additionally, contributing to the project were:
- Andrea Helbach, OU Grad Class of 2007 Industrial and Systems Engineering, UD class of 2011 Materials Engineering, who teaches Science.
- Melissa Curran, OU Grad Class of 1997, Ohio Dominican Class of 2010 M.Ed, who teaches Wellness and Fitness.