2022 Wright State University Top Scholars
April 12, 2022
The University Libraries are pleased to announce the Wright State University 2022 Top Scholars. Top Scholars is an annual award given to a graduating senior from each college and Lake Campus. Top Scholars are selected by the dean and must have at least a 3.6 GPA, be on track to graduate in spring, and represent the mission, vision and values of our inclusive University.
Each recipient receives a certificate and a book is purchased and added to the University Libraries' permanent collections in honor of each Top Scholar. Bookplates with the student’s name, college, and award year are affixed to the book and are also added to the libraries catalog record. The subjects of the books are chosen from within the students' majors and the books are selected by the libraries’ collection management team. The Wright State University and the Friends of the Libraries fund the award, now in its 28th year.
We would like to publicly recognize and congratulate our six Top Scholars for 2022 and share their plans for after graduation and/or their favorite memories as Wright State University students.

College of Engineering and Computer Science
Ryan Slater
Major: Computer Engineering
Book: An Architectural Approach to Level Design by Christopher W. Totten
After Graduation Plans and/or Favorite Memory: “I will be attending the University of Cincinnati, where I will be pursuing a master's of science in computer science with a focus on data science and machine learning. I will be studying under Dr. John Gallagher, a former WSU CS professor.
My favorite experience at WSU has easily been building the Collegiate Esports Club and now watching it continue to grow and flourish under new leadership. The club has grown from around 20 to almost 300 members in just two years. It's the most rewarding thing to watch friendships be born out of a passion project.”

College of Health, Education, and Human Services
Melissa Kaufman
Major: Nursing
Book: The Field of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity edited by Mary K. Wakefield, David R. Williams, Suzanne Le Menestreal, & Jennifer L. Flaubert
After Graduation/Favorite Memory: “Being a single parent, I’m excited to graduate from this long journey and start my nursing career. I will be staying in the area and would like to go back to get my Masters or PhD degree.”

College of Science and Mathematics
Whitney White
Major: Biological Sciences
Book: Ecological Reciprocity: A Treatise on Kindness by Michael Charles Tobias & Jane Gray Morrison
After Graduation Plans and/or Favorite Memory: “After graduation I plan to intern at the Environmental Protection Agency. I also want to volunteer with different conservation groups in the Dayton area in my free time.
My favorite memory at Wright State is the time I got to spend with student organizations on campus. I enjoyed going to events hosted by Rainbow Alliance, Black Women Striving Forward, UAB, the Black Student Union and many more. The people here are who really make Wright State enjoyable. The students are so much fun to be around and always willing to lend a helping hand!”

Raj Soin College of Business
Patrick Lockhart
Major: Business Economics
Book: Financial Systems, Central Banking, and Monetary Policy During COVID-19 Pandemic and After edited by Çağatay Bașarir & Burak Darici
After Graduation Plans and/or Favorite Memory: “Throughout the summer, I will be participating in the Premier College Internship Program at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
My work at Wright-Patt will be in the logistics management career field. Starting in the Fall 2022 semester, I will begin the Master of Science in Social and Applied Economics degree program full-time. My goal/hope is to return to work for the Air Force at Wright-Patt as a logistician after the completion of my master’s degree. Eventually, I would like to be a program manager.
As a Marine Corps veteran and older student, the initial thought of attending college was stressful. However, I quickly settled in at Wright State and was able to achieved all my academic goals and more. I attribute this success primarily to my professors. Learning and working with them has been the greatest experience of all. I have had the privilege to work alongside faculty and alumni at the Raj Soin College of Business Strategic Stakeholder’s workshop, where we addressed strengths and weaknesses of the college and developed future plans to make the college even better than it already is. In addition, I have had the privilege to work events, like the Raider Open House, where I could share my thoughts, knowledge, and experiences with potential Wright State students and their families.”

Lake Campus
Hallie Whitten
Major: Crime and Justices Studies
Book: Creating Restorative Justice: A Communication Perspective of Justice, Restoration, and Community by Gregory D. Paul & Ian M. Borton
After Graduation Plans and/or Favorite Memory: “In addition to being a full-time student, I have also spent the last year working as a Correctional Officer at the Auglaize County Corrections Center. After graduating from WSU with my degree in Crime and Justice Studies, I plan to stay at the ACCC and will be attending the Corrections Academy in May.”

College of Liberal Arts
Margaret Musco
Major: Acting
Book: Muse of Fire: Reflections on Theatre by Terrence McNally
After Graduation Plans and/or Favorite Memory: “After graduation, I will be moving to New York to pursue a career in musical theatre.
The past four years at Wright State have been filled with some of the most amazing moments. As a musical theatre major, I have spent countless hours training and performing in the Creative Arts Center. That building is home to so many wonderful memories, but one of my favorites was my first maskless rehearsal of Sweet Charity this past semester. Throughout the pandemic, all performances and classes have been masked. The seemingly unremarkable concept of seeing someone's face suddenly became an incredible event. Sharing the joy and relief of that moment with my classmates was something I will cherish forever.
Congratulations to our 2022 Top Scholars!
The University Libraries and the Friends of the Libraries thank everyone who with hard work, collaboration and cooperation made this year’s Top Scholar awards possible.