New Cambridge University Press “Read & Publish” OhioLINK Arrangement has begun for Wright State University authors

January 10, 2022

OhioLINK has negotiated a new “Read & Publish” deal with Cambridge University Press. The deal, which went into effect on January 1, 2022 and which lasts through December 31, 2024, will provide important access for the Wright State community.  

What are the main effects of this deal? 

There are two main components of the agreement: 

Read As a result of this deal, Wright State University faculty, students, and staff now have access to current articles published in all 400+ Cambridge University Press journals. (If you are looking for access to a specific journal consider using our eJournal search to see the various access options and dates of coverage.) 

Publish All Wright State authors are now eligible to publish accepted manuscripts with open access at no cost in Cambridge journals. Open access makes the content available for anyone to access with no subscription or fee to read. In order to publish open access at no cost in a Cambridge journal, the corresponding author of the article must be affiliated with an OhioLINK institution, including Wright State University.  

Complete information about this deal, including the steps to take advantage of the open access publishing under this OhioLINK agreement is available on the OhioLINK information for authors page

Contact your subject librarian with any questions.