On this page:
Current Wright State students, faculty, and staff may reserve a room during the Dunbar Library's regular hours. Reserve online or by calling 937-775-2525.
Regular or multiple bookings by groups (or members) are not permitted.
Select a Space
Group Study
Three reservable group rooms are available on the second and third floors—rooms 215, 216, 341, and 342. The rooms contain:
- Windows computer
- 75" TV
- Cables for common laptop connections
Silent Study
Room 328 offers six individual glass study carrels (328 B, C, D, E, F, G) and one individual room (328 A). Each includes a Windows computer and access to a networked printer in the room.
STAC Studios
Ideal for audio and video recording, these studios can be reserved to create and edit multimedia projects. Students who need personalized assistance with projects while using the room can request an appointment with STAC staff for the same time.
Studio A contains a 21.5" Apple iMac with Retina 4K display, Blue Yeti-X Microphone (suspended on a studio arm, with a shock mount and pop screen filter), studio lights, studio monitoring headphones with amplifier, and a Brio Ultra HD Pro 4K webcam. Available applications include Camtasia, iMovie, Garageband, Final Cut, and Premier Pro.
Studio B contains a Windows computer with a Wacom Cintiq Pro 32" touch-capable, inkable display monitor, a Blue Yeti X Microphone (suspended on a studio arm), studio lights, studio monitoring headphones with amplifier, and a Brio Ultra HD Pro 4K webcam.
Cameras, tripods, and other equipment can be checked out at the Circulation Desk on the first floor.
Pick a Date and Time
a. Selecting an available beginning time slot will provide you with a two-hour reservation.

b. Modify your reservation end time for a shorter time frame.

Complete Your Reservation
Confirm your reservation information, review the terms and conditions, then enter your personal information to reserve the room.

Check In
- Pick up the key at the Circulation Desk on the first floor of Dunbar Library.
- All users must abide by the room-use agreement.
- The room will be held for 15 minutes beyond the reservation time; after 15 minutes, the reservation will be canceled.
- Please notify Circulation Desk staff if you need assistance with any doors or locks.
Room Guidelines
- The room must be attended at all times and locked when vacated.
- Excessive food or drink is not permitted.
- Headphones are required for all electronic devices in areas designated as silent study; volume must be kept low so that sound is not audible to others.
- Cell phone use is not permitted in areas designated as silent study; all phones must be set to silent or vibrate.
- When first entering the room, please report any problems to the Circulation Desk.
- Users may not obstruct the window or door in any way.
- Talking, including whispering, is not permitted when using spaces designated as silent study.
- Turn off all equipment and dispose of all trash prior to leaving the room.
- Return all furniture and equipment to its original location prior to leaving the room.
- When finished using the room, return the key to the Circulation Desk.
- The right to use bookable rooms can be summarily suspended or revoked for failure to abide by these guidelines.